The structure

KÁRAMA EST S’APOSENTU ‘ONU: in the old houses in Dorgali S’APOSENTU ‘E KÁRAMA was “THE BETTER ROOM”, the one that had to welcome with the best regards guests and visitors.

KÁRAMA is the name that we want to put to our structure, for perpetuate in the sign of tradition the great hospitality that characterised the people in Sardinia.

The Rentrooms was born after the restructuring of the historic palace of the Muggianu’s family, built by the patriarch Giovanni Maria in the second half of 1800 and now completely remodeled and reported to the former glory.

It is located in a very central position, in the principal street of Dorgali, that when once there was Rio Funtana Manna, a river that characterised for centuries the history of the small town.
Behind it the history neighborhood of Gorito, that even now guards all of the historic evidences of the cultural eras that were in the territory of Dorgali.

The recent and complete restructure had safeguarded the principal characteristics of the building: going trough the huge wooden front door and going trough the full structure, where the enters to the old basement and the verandas that looks on the original pavement, bring us in a time of elegance and pride that are almost dissapeard in the island’s architecture.

The interiors, the rooms, the stairs, all of the common spaces were remodernated with the most recent standards of security, respecting the original style. The materials used in the restructure and the decorations made by the better artisans give to all the spaces the unique taste of the local class.

All of this make KÁRAMA’S building an ideal location for spend a holiday in Sardinia in an exclusive setting.

The structure ultima modifica: 2018-03-12T13:35:39+01:00 da Karama